Subscription Management
How To Access Subscription Management?
Navigate to the URL: http://FQDN/admin/account/subscriptions
to access subscription management page.
[FQDN] with your IDHub Application URL.
Subscription Management page
This page shows all the subscriptions (purchased/canceled) as shown in the screenshot below.
The details page basically shows the following information:
- Subscription details.
- Invoice history.
- Subscription purchase date.
- Next renewal period
- Billed to user details.
- Actions
Actions possible for each subscription
Upgrade Action
To upgrade the number of users (user tiers) in your subscription, you need to click on the upgrade button. This will show you the next available user tier and the prorated amount at the bottom as shown in the screenshot below:
You can click on the drop-down at the bottom to see the list of user tiers that is available to upgrade. The next user tier available for upgrade is already highlighted and selected in the drop-down.
After selecting your desired user tier, you can click on the confirm button and your subscription will be upgraded and the invoice amount would be prorated in the next invoice. If you change your mind, you can click anywhere outside of the bottom section or click on the cross icon to close the section.
If you are already in the highest tier, then the upgrade button would be disabled.
Downgrade Action
To downgrade the number of users (user tiers) in your subscription, you need to click on the 3 dots menu and then click on the downgrade option. This will show you the next available user tier to be downgraded and the prorated amount at the bottom as shown in the screenshot below:
You can click on the drop-down at the bottom to see the list of user tiers that is available to downgrade. The next user tier available for downgrade is already highlighted and selected in the drop-down.
After selecting your desired user tier, you can click on the confirm button and your subscription will be downgraded and the invoice amount would be prorated in the next invoice. If you change your mind, you can click anywhere outside of the bottom section or click on the cross icon to close the section.
If you are already in the lowest tier, then the downgrade option would be disabled.
Cancellation Action
If you want to cancel your subscription, you need to click on the 3 dots menu and then click on the Cancel Subscription option. Then you will be prompted to enter the reason for the cancellation as is shown in the screenshot below:
After entering the reason for the cancellation, click on the button “Cancel Subscription” and then the subscription would be cancelled and you would be redirected to the account dashboard.
Filters available
There are filters in the right-hand side section of the page, which would help you to filter the list of subscriptions. The filters available are as follows:
- Active.
- Expired.
- Cancelled.
You can also filter the list of subscriptions based on date range as well as is shown in the screenshot below: